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00:${("0" + otpTimer).slice(-2)}
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Chat with stores can be started from the store website.
${ (contact.buddyStoreName.length > 0) ? limitTo(contact.buddyStoreName,2) : limitTo(contact.buddyPhone,2)}
${ (contact.buddyStoreName.length > 0) ? contact.buddyStoreName : contact.buddyPhone }
${(messages[contact.buddyId]!=undefined && messages[contact.buddyId].length > 0 ) ? limitTo((messages[contact.buddyId][(messages[contact.buddyId].length-1)].chatText),20) : ''}
${(messages[contact.buddyId]!=undefined && messages[contact.buddyId].length > 0 ) ? getDate(messages[contact.buddyId][ (messages[contact.buddyId].length-1)].messageTimestamp) : ''}
${selectedContact.buddyStoreName} (${selectedContact.buddyPhone})
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Your chats with stores will be available here.
Chat with stores can be started from the store website.
